Remote Learning

KBD @ Virtual Studio

Karen Barnes Dance started conducting distance learning & training in 2017 as an option for our senior dancers who required our support from abroad. Our remote students have continued their progress to obtaining outstanding results. As most of the dance schools are adjusting to new methods of virtual learning, we are already a pioneer in this field of Learning by Remote.

We aim to provide a holistic & comprehensive dance education efficiently despite the challenges of distance learning. Therefore, we use differing methods of teaching based on the objective and content of the lessons, and the dancer’s online cognitive ability.

Live Remote Classes via video conferencing tools provide a real-time and interactive learning environment mimicking the essence of a physical class in the studio. We have invested in the latest state-of-the-art audio & visual technology and high-speed Internet service to ensure the high quality of our live remote classes.

Instructional Videos are carefully designed and prepared for clarity and ease of use with the dancer’s needs in mind. These videos serve as a compendium of their dance syllabus thus allowing the dancers the flexibility to learn at their own schedule and pace.

Submitted works by dancers are reviewed diligently and meticulously to provide effective and precise feedback. The reviewed work is detailed with annotations and explanation of each improvement and correction. With these reviews, our dancers develop an awareness of their own progress and the ability to identify their weaknesses and mistakes, and self-correct accordingly.

We understand the challenges of differing schedules in people’s lives and we endeavour to support our dancers in any way we can.

Here at Karen Barnes Dance, our dancers come first.

Dance Training – The New Approach

Karen Barnes Dance prioritises the safety & well being of all it’s pupils & teachers, hence mechanisms are in place to safeguard everyone.

We employ the latest devices to sanitise the studio spaces.

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